Projects & Initiatives

SMILE: Study on medical marijuana and its long-term effects in older adults

Do you have chronic pain?

If you are 50 or older and suffer from chronic pain you may be eligible to participate in a year-long research study monitoring health outcomes in those seeking medical marijuana to manage pain and those using other methods of pain management.

Are you eligible?

  • 50 years or older
  • Have pain for 3+ months
  • Not currently using medical marijuana
  • Seeking or NOT seeking medical marijuana treatment
  • Smartphone access

Study requirements

  • In-person baseline and 12-month visit
  • Optional in-person visits at 3, 6, 9-months
  • Blood and urine collection
  • Brief smartphone surveys and periodic FitBit use

Participant benefits

  • Up to $630
  • Free FitBit smart watch
  • Study merchandise
  • Access to discounted medical marijuana physician visit + visit reimbursement


UF Jacksonville Aging Studies Center
1833 Boulevard
Jacksonville, FL 32206

Contact information

Dr. Yan Wang, PhD
Principal Investigator | Department of Epidemiology
(352) 234-4854