Basic Required Program for all Residents and Fellows

Other Education Programs

Institutional Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Three-Year Curriculum

Overall Goal: To increase knowledge of key patient safety and quality improvement concepts and principles among residents, fellows, faculty at UFCOM-J through a series of interactive workshops. While the program is designed so it can be completed in one year, trainees have three years to complete all activities where course work and activities are designed to build on foundational material and experiences.

Sign up for IHI Online School
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the education tab
  3. Select the take course option
  4. Click on the create an account link
  5. Enter your Name; University of Florida in the School
  6. Select UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville from list
  7. Enter the institutions address
  8. Create a password
  9. Select your primary role - student or resident
  10. Select your organization type - school
  11. Select education type (physician)
  12. Select student full time or resident
  13. Enter your UF email
  14. Enter your graduation year
  15. Type of communication from IHI
  16. Submit, and you'll receive a confirmation message for creating your account.

Annual Event Offerings

QIPS Orientation

Annual Event Offering: July

All incoming residents and fellows at UF Health Jacksonville participate in an introduction lecture series regarding Just Culture, adverse events and medical errors, safety event reporting, and Wellness.

Educational Objectives: By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  1. Identify various types of errors: adverse events, unsafe acts and behaviors.
  2. Describe components of a Just Culture.
  3. Discuss communication tools used in patient safety.
  4. Describe the importance of adverse reporting and the system at UF Health Jax.
  5. Discuss the components of wellness and resources available to residents and fellows.


  • Course evaluation & attendance

QIPS Patient Safety Experience Workshop

Annual Event Offering: August - May

The Patient Safety Experience Workshop is a half-day interprofessional interactive experience focusing on introduction to quality improvement, patient safety and Just Culture as well as communication to facilitate patient and family-center care. During the session, participants review key concepts and then practice skills in four interactive simulations. Participants work together to “escape” two novel simulated patient scenarios by working as part of a healthcare team to identify/mitigate patient safety errors and event reporting. Participants also practice Setting Expectations and STA2IR methodology in simulated patient conversations.

Educational Objectives: During this workshop, learners will:

  1. Identify components of “setting the stage” with patients.
  2. Illustrate the method for setting and meeting patients’ expectations.
  3. Practice the STA2IR methodology when having difficult conversations with patients.
  4. Review how key patient safety tools, techniques and principles benefit patient care.
  5. Explore the components of Just Culture and Culture of Safety.
  6. Analyze a simulated clinical environment for errors and practice submitting an adverse event report.


  • Course evaluation and attendance

To Sign-Up for this Activity:

  1. An email will be sent to all programs for registration.
  2. Course signup for non-trainees is available in Healthstream

QIPS Root Cause Analysis and Action Workshop

Annual Event Offering: August - May

The Root Cause Analysis and Action (RCA2) Workshop is a half-day interprofessional interactive experience focusing on process of root cause analysis and implementation of action plans to improve patient care quality and safety. During the session, participants review key concepts and then practice skills in small groups with QI Performance Improvement Specialist facilitators. Using a simulated scenario, participants work together to complete a root cause analysis and action plan for improvement, including use of two common analysis tools and identification of corrective actions and measures of successful change.

Educational Objectives: By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance and approaches in verifying a root cause.
  2. Identify key components of a Root Cause Analysis.
  3. Demonstrate the steps to implementing a Root Cause Analysis.
  4. Discuss action plans and approaches for implementation.


  • Course evaluation
  • Pre/post test

To Sign-Up for this Activity:

  1. An email will be sent to all programs for registration.
  2. Course signup for non-trainees is available in Healthstream.

IHI Basic Certificate

Annual Event Offering

By the end of Year Two, all PGY2’s and second year Fellows will have completed the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Free Courses:

  • 13 modules for Basic Certificate

Educational Objectives and Measurements are outlined in each module and modules are listed below.

  • Certificate and reports uploaded into program’s New Innovations tracking system

Additional Information/Resources:

Additional Information

Resident and Fellow Documented QI Project Completion

The ACGME requires all trainees to participate in a QI project during their training period. These can be group projects, but must include other healthcare professionals as part of the team completing the project. A full PDSA or DMAIC cycle must be completed for each QI project completed. Use of institutional QI Project form to document the project is recommended. Please align projects with institutional QI priorities, which can be found here.

Program Opt-Out

  • Programs that wish to apply to opt-out of certain portions of the curriculum must complete the opt-out form.
  • You must provide justification and evidence of achieving goals and objectives noted as part of the curriculum that also maps to the CLER Pathways noted below.