QIPS Initiative

Other Education Programs

As outlined by the ACGME, “graduate medical education is the crucial step of professional development between medical school and autonomous clinical practice” where physicians are developed to provide safe, affordable and quality care. Faculty of trainees are expected to have training in quality improvement and patient safety to demonstrate delivery of safe, quality, cost-effective, patient-centered care and by modeling practice-based analysis to improve quality of care and patient safety. Moreover, residents are expected to show competency in systematically analyzing their practice by using quality improvement methods and to further work with interprofessional teams to enhance patient safety and improve quality of care. The ACGME has published CLER (Clinical Learning Environment Review) Pathways to Excellence to achieve safe and high-quality patient care. The following UF College of Medicine Jacksonville Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Curriculum addresses specific CLER pathways when completed in its entirety for trainees. Further, Faculty development programs outlined include institutional certification and training for QIPS and for projects to contain interprofessional teams, systems thinking and the additional end goal of national presentation and peer reviewed publication.


Institutional Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Three-Year Curriculum

Basic Required Program for all Residents and Fellows

Overall Goal: To increase knowledge of key patient safety and quality improvement concepts and principles among residents and fellows at UF Health Jacksonville through a series of interactive workshops. Trainees have three years to complete all activities where course work and activities are designed to build on foundational material and experiences.

Additional Self-Directed Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Resources

A La Carte QIPS Programs

Overall Goal: To provide training programs with additional resources to augment the basic program campus curriculum regarding quality improvement and patient safety for residents, fellows and faculty.

Intensive 2 or 3 year Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Certificate Program

Intensive QIPS Certificate Program

Overall Goal: To provide residents, fellows, faculty and staff a more concentrative Quality Improvement and Patient Safety experience and to earn a project based Yellow Belt certification.

Faculty Development options: ala-carte or certificate programs

QIPS Faculty Development Programs

Overall Goal: To provide faculty with additional campus-wide and ala carte Quality Improvement and Patient Safety training opportunities.