Bridge Instructions Download Celebration Spreadsheet Youtube Playlist Ribbon Image (Old) Ribbon Image (New) Overview It's a good idea to get started on these tasks as early as possible to make it less of a mad rush prior to judging starts. I'd recommend the following: Once Abstract Form Submissions Start Rolling In Download the Celebration spreadsheet and add some preliminary data to it- First/Last name, title, authors, etc- everything submitted along with the abstract submission form. As Posters Begin Rolling In Use the Celebration spreadsheet to track progress of submissions (Missing/Received/Posted). Export them to PDF and PNG and upload them to media and grab the PNG and PDF's link and put them in the spreadsheet (allowing you to easily use the poster generator below) Once you've got each row filled out, you can go ahead and post them to the website. Try and keep up with them as they roll in- otherwise it turns into a mad rush to get everything up prior to judging. (See video tutorial for adding posters (non-photo contest and video tutorial for adding posters (photo contest) Late April Create new categories and update menu links (See video tutorial for creating new categories and update menu links) Generate the first version of the homepage using the Homepage Generator (See video tutorial for generating the homepage) Check and update judges, if needed (You can view current judges by navigating to "Users" in the wordpress dashboard and then clicking "judges". If updates to judges are needed, contact the webservices team in Gainesville using this form. Let them know you need users added under the "judges" role for the COMJ Research Day bridge website. You'll likely need to let them know what the username is for each user- it will be the same username they use to access the bridge. Continue adding posters as they are received and using the Celebration spreadsheet to track progress. Early May Continue adding posters as they are received and using the Celebration spreadsheet to track progress. Posters Available for Viewing On Bridge Once it's time for posters to be viewable to non-judges, update all (current years') posters from private to public, so that people other than judges can view them (See video tutorial for updating poster privacy) Winners Announced/Event Day Update the homepage (re-generate using the Homepage Generator with "Winners Announced?" option checked, adding winner information for each category, then pasting the content onto the homepage and clicking update (See video tutorial for updating the homepage after winners have been announced) Update winning posters (See video tutorial for updating winning posters) End of Celebration Set all posters to private again (See video tutorial for updating poster privacy) Add current year to all sub-categories (See video tutorial for adding current year to sub-categories) Home Page Generator Usage How to Generate the Homepage (Pre-Winners Announced) How to Generate the Homepage (Post-Winners Announced) Generates basic home page code. Any of the pre-added livestream links in these dynamic text editors here will automatically update with the link entered in the "Livestream" field, too. But still, good idea to test all links before publishing or updating the page. Description (Check/Update for accuracy): Join us for this live-streaming event to recognize the research, scholarship and awards of our graduating residents and fellows. The research and scholarship event beginning at 12 p.m. will feature six live oral presentations in the areas of clinical research and quality improvement. The awards event will introduce several new awards for our residents, fellows and faculty in addition to the annual awards. Don’t forget to view over 80 virtual posters in the areas of clinical research, clinical vignettes, quality improvement, medical education and challenge your medical knowledge through the photo contest posters. All posters will be available for viewing online between June 6th-June 30th. Thank you to our faculty reviewers and judges for this year’s Celebration of Resident and Fellow Education and Research Day! Agenda (Check/Update for accuracy, also make sure the program URL is updated to the 2023 version when the time comes): Tune in June 6th! | View program | View livestream → 12 p.m. Introductory Remarks and Resident/Fellow Platform Presentations- LRC Auditorium & Livestreamed (All faculty, trainees, students and staff are invited to this portion of the in-person event) 1:45 p.m. In-person Live Moderated Posters- LRC Atrium (All faculty, trainees, students and staff are invited to this portion of the in-person event) 3 p.m. Graduation Ceremony and Education and Research Awards- LRC Auditorium & Livestreamed (Invited Guests: Program Leadership, Department Chairs, Graduates, Award Nominees, Platform Presenters, Poster Winners) 5 p.m. Reception- LRC Atrium (Invited Guests: Program Leadership, Department Chairs, Graduates, Award Nominees, Platform Presenters, Poster Winners) Additional Information (Add any additional bulletpoints here): Please share the livestream link for faculty, residents, fellows, staff and family to watch virtually. Livestream Link: Categories Category Title Category URL Category Title: Category URL: Add Category Row Winners Information Winners Announced?: Please fill out the winners information for the categories using the fields below. Winner information for category: Winner Name (Last, F.): Poster Title: Post URL: Poster PNG URL: Generate Code and Copy to Clipboard Generated Code: <p class="lead">Celebration of Resident and Fellow Education and Research Day</p> <hr/> <h2>Posters and Abstracts</h2> Poster Generator Usage Ideal for posters that aren't photo contest posters. Generators for photo contest posters (question/prompt and answer) will be located further down the page. Poster Title: Poster Authors (Bold format the primary/submitting author): Poster Abstract: Poster PDF URL: Poster PNG URL: Generate Code and Copy to Clipboard Generated Code: [caption id="attachment" align="alignnone" width="680"]<a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" ><img class="wp-image size-large" alt="" title="" src="" /></a><a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" >Click to View</a>[/caption] Poster Generator (Photo Contests) Usage This generator will spit out 2 pieces of content code for posts- one for the question, and another for the answer. Poster Title: Poster Authors (bold format the primary/submitting author): Poster Question: Poster PDF URL (Question): Poster PNG URL (Question): Poster PDF URL (Answer): Poster PNG URL (Answer): Poster URL (Answer)*: Generate Code Copy Question Code to Clipboard Copy Answer Code to Clipboard Generated Code: Question [caption id="attachment" align="alignnone" width="680"]<a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" ><img class="wp-image size-large" src="" alt="Question - " width="680" height="408" /></a> <a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" >Click to View</a>[/caption] <a href="">View Answer →</a> Answer [caption id="attachment" align="alignnone" width="680"]<a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" ><img class="wp-image size-large" src="" alt="Answer - " width="680" height="408" /></a> <a href="" title="View PDF version of " target="_blank" >Click to View</a>[/caption] * The question post links to the answer. So, you'll need to create a new post in another tab and input the title ("Last, F. (Answer)") then copy the permalink at the top of the page. See the video under "Usage" to watch a video to see how I do it.