Clinical Research Details

Clinical Research

Real-time and long-term effects of medical marijuana on older adults with chronic pain; A prospective cohort study

Study Description

The main goals of this project are to 1) determine MM’s short- and long-term effects on pain, physical and emotional functioning, and quality of life in older adults, and 2) identify MM product characteristics and patient subgroups associated with improved outcomes and side effects.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria:

  • Older adults 50 years and older (50%≥65 years, 50% male)
  • Non-cancer chronic musculoskeletal or neuropathic pain 34 for 3 or more months 35
  • Pain intensity level in the past week greater than zero  (“0 = no pain” to “10 = most pain imaginable”) 36
  • Seeking MM treatment (for the MM group) OR having no intention to start MM for at least 6 months (for the comparison group)
  • Availability of a smartphone. 

Exclusion criteria:

  • Currently pregnant or nursing (by self-report)
  • Urine test positive for THC
  • Ever been a MM patient in Florida or another state and have used MM products regularly
  • Used marijuana regularly (daily use) for at least one month in the past 10 years
  • Current or history of substantial or severe substance use disorders 37 assessed by the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)38
  • Active cancer treatment, excluding certain cancers such as skin cancer dependent on the study physician’s decision
  • Terminal illness
  • Neurological conditions that impact ability to consent or complete study procedures (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, head injury, stroke, and/or seizures)
  • Active uncontrolled psychiatric disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar, excluding anxiety and depression).  

Open Enrollment

Contact Name: Maria Vander Meulen
Contact Phone: (904) 244-1953
Contact Email:
