Clinical Research Details

Clinical Research

Does a Virtual Coach Offer a Better Solution for Weight Reduction in Ventral Hernia Patients with Obesity?

Study Description

This research is to use a virtual coach to assist hernia patients overcome the difficulties that prevent weight loss before having ventral hernia surgery.  We aim to conduct a two-arm, pragmatic clinical trial that compares the use of the integrated virtual coach to standard of care on preoperative weight loss for hernia repair patients.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria:

Patients 18 years of age and older with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 and above and diagnosed with Obesity by the ICD 10 Code: E66.9 who have been evaluated by a surgeon and offered elective ventral hernia repair Also, have a complete medical record that allows for statistical calculations to be performed. 

Exclusion criteria:

Pregnant females, patients with severe mental disorders, prescribed psychiatric medications associated with weight gain, a history of a Substance Use Disorder, patients on long-term steroid therapy, and patients with insufficient medical records.

Open Enrollment

Contact Name: Ryan Dowdall
Contact Phone: (904) 244-1048
Contact Email:
