Clinical Research Details

Clinical Research

HEAD injury Serum markers and Multi-modalities for Assessing Response to Trauma (HeadSMART II)

Study Description

The purpose of this research study is to develop and validate tests in order to aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria
18 years and older
Present to Emergency Department with blunt head trauma within
96 hours of injury

Exclusion Criteria
GCS < 13 at time of presentation
Need for general anesthesia prior to enrollment
Diagnosed with dementia requiring assistance for daily living
Any head trauma requiring medical attention from a physician
within the last 6 months
Received chemotherapy or radiation within the last year
History of stroke with disabling outcomes, brain tumor, epilepsy or
intracranial surgery/hemorrhage
Psychiatric hospitalization in the last 90 days
Blood transfusion within the prior 4 weeks
Cannot perform study tasks on an iPad (e.g. not wearing corrective
lenses necessary to read, inability to use both hands)
