Faculty Council

Elizabeth L. DeVos, M.D., M.P.H.
Elizabeth L. DeVos, M.D., M.P.H. President

The College of Medicine – Jacksonville Faculty Council was formed for the purpose of promoting the advancement of medicine by elevating and sustaining education, fostering patient care of the highest quality, supporting medical discovery as well as basic science research, promoting mutual fellowship and good feeling among the faculty, providing an effective means of communicating between the faculty and administration of the College of Medicine and Health Science Center, cooperating with the other administrative units within the Health Science Center and University in all matters of mutual interest and by directing the energies of the members in the interest of public health and welfare.

This organization seeks to insure maximum communication through defined orderly procedures, to clarify the means by which faculty can effectively contribute to and identify with the affairs of the college, to allow the voting faculty to be responsible for developing the educational policies of the college and, in the spirit of shared governance, to advise the Dean of the College of Medicine for Jacksonville and administration on all matters pertaining to faculty responsibilities.

The College of Medicine – Jacksonville is organized on a departmental basis, each unit administered by a chairman who is accountable to the Dean of the College of Medicine – Jacksonville. This faculty organization shall be organized to obtain direct representative input from each department. This includes the authority for departmentally-elected representatives and faculty-elected officers to meet regularly as a Faculty Council, to call meetings of the entire faculty, to preside at such meetings and to serve or appoint faculty to serve as members or ex-officio members of the standing committees of the College of Medicine and the Health Science Center. The Faculty Council will insure the faculty is apprised of current affairs and issues, including pertinent committee business. Representatives on the standing committees will report to the Faculty Council. Upon due consideration, the Faculty Council may instruct the committee representatives to convey opinions and recommendations to these committees, including the Executive Committee and the Dean of the College of Medicine – Jacksonville. The faculty will act within the general policies as established within the provisions of the University of Florida College of Medicine constitution, bylaws and policy manual.

The council will meet at a regularly scheduled time each month.

Representatives and officers of the Faculty Council may be contacted via email (refer to the representatives and officers page). The Faculty Council President can be contacted at facultycouncilpresident@jax.ufl.edu.

Elizabeth L. DeVos, M.D., M.P.H.
University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville