Faculty Development

Colleen J. Kalynych, Ed.D.
Colleen J. Kalynych, Ed.D.

The Office of Graduate Medical Education (OGME) offers an ongoing faculty development curriculum designed to enhance the expertise and skills of the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville faculty. We utilize a variety of educational formats: faculty can participate in-person or via livestream in seminars and workshops or review solely online programming. We develop presentations specific to divisions and departments, and offer peer review of faculty teaching. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) required topic areas of as educators and evaluators, well-being and quality improvement and patient safety are emphasized throughout our programming as an overall goal for our faculty development curriculum. Additional topic areas are also offered to foster the development of well-rounded physician teachers. To further assist faculty, most faculty development programs offer continuing medical education (CME) credit. Please see the upcoming sessions and recorded events page for our schedule and offerings.

As part of the faculty development program, the OGME offers an Educational Development Certificate Program. Physician teachers who wish to pursue the certificate, will complete 10 faculty development sessions over a two-year period. Sessions are offered throughout the academic year.

Please explore the various educational opportunities by clicking on the links to the left. We welcome comments and suggestions to further enhance programs offered on our campus. Additionally, we are available to meet with faculty to address needs within departments related to medical education. Contact Charity.Snodgrass@jax.ufl.edu to schedule a meeting.

Colleen J. Kalynych, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean for Medical Education
University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville