Clinical Research Details Clinical Research A prospective multi-center pilot study reporting long-term outcomes for pediatric survivors of gun violence Study Description The purpose of our study is to better understand the long-term outcomes regarding rates of PTSD and self-reported quality of life in pediatric patients involved with firearm violence. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Inclusion criteria: Any patient aged 12 to 17 who presents to UF Health Jacksonville with a GSW, trauma activation for gunshot wound (including self-inflicted, assault, unintentional/accidental, etc.) Exclusion criteria: Any patient who is a prisoner, pregnant, or who has a diagnosis of existing PTSD, is aged <12 or >17 years old, is in police custody, dies during hospitalization, is left in a permanent vegetative state after hospitalization, does not want to talk further about the event, is unable to communicate, or if the patient is actively psychotic. Investigators