
Faculty, staff receive Superior Accomplishment Awards

University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville faculty and staff who won Superior Accomplishment Awards this year gather for a group photo.
Judella Haddad-Lacle, MD, an associate professor of community health and family medicine, poses with her Superior Accomplishment Award.

A host of faculty and staff at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville received Superior Accomplishment Awards earlier this year for their hard work and dedication to excellence.

The awards recognize UF personnel who have shown efficiency or economy in their work, provided outstanding and meritorious service, or improved the quality of life for students and employees. Winners are nominated by supervisors, peers and others who wrote letters of recommendation on their behalf.

Division-level winners — which include Health Science Center faculty and staff — each receive $200 and are considered for university-level awards, which include eight $1,000 and eight $2,000 awards.

Winners for 2016 were honored during a March 2, 2017, banquet in Gainesville. The UF COMJ winners are: 

Employee Category 1 - Clerical/Office Support:

Employee Category 3 - Scientific/Technical:

  • Tina Smith, IT expert, department of pediatrics

Employee Category 5 - Administrative and Professional:

  • Saniyyah Mahmoudi, clinical programs coordinator, department of pediatrics

Employee Category 6 - Academic Personnel:

Community Service Award:

“On behalf of all UF COMJ faculty and staff, I offer heartfelt congratulations to our winners for your truly superior accomplishments during the 2016 academic year,” said Leon L. Haley Jr., MD, MHSA, CPE, FACEP, dean of the college.

Featured Faculty

Judella E. Haddad-Lacle, MD

Judella E. Haddad-Lacle, MD

Emeritus Professor

Phyliss N. Taylor, MD

Phyliss N. Taylor, MD

Courtesy Assistant Professor