Data Resources and Reports Resources Top Data Resources The following are publicly available databases that include a range of health data at various geographic levels (national, state, county, zip code, census tract, etc.). AARP Livability Index: Gives a livability score to communities across the U.S. The index uses data indicators for housing, neighborhoods, transportation, environment, health, civic/social engagement and opportunity. Explore Jacksonville’s livability score. American Community Survey (ACS): The ACS is an ongoing national survey that provides social, economic, housing and demographic characteristics about the United States and its people. The ACS is conducted by the U.S Census Bureau, but is different from the decennial census. The ACS is sent to a sample of addresses every year, asks about topics not included in the decennial census and provides current information to U.S. communities. The decennial census is conducted every 10 years and counts every person living in the U.S. Popular ACS and census reports and data tables include: ACS Table DP02: Selected Social Characteristics in the United States ACS Table DP03: ACS Selected Economic Characteristics ACS Table DP04: Selected Housing Characteristics ACS Table DP05: ACS Demographic And Housing Estimates Census QuickFacts: Provides statistics (age, sex, race and ethnicity, housing, education, economy and income, etc.) for all states and counties and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. CDC PLACES: Model-based small area estimation methods are used to estimate 29 health measures, including health risk behaviors (e.g., current smoking), health outcomes (e.g., heart disease, diabetes), health status (e.g., mental health) and prevention practices (e.g., health insurance coverage, cholesterol screening). The website allows users to view, explore and download data for all counties, incorporated and census-designated places, census tracts and ZIP code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) across the United States. CDC Social Vulnerability Index: An interactive map that uses 15 socioeconomic and demographic variables to identify communities that may need support before, during, or after disasters. CityHealth rates the nation’s 40 largest cities on policies that affect people’s everyday quality of life (e.g., policies regarding earned sick leave, affordable housing, smoke free indoor air and healthy food). Learn more about Jacksonville. EJScreen: An environmental justice (EJ) screening and mapping tool from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that combines environmental and demographic indicators. EJScreen includes 12 environmental indicators (e.g., proximity to hazardous waste, levels of particulate matter in the air, etc.), 7 demographic indicators (e.g., race/ethnicity, income, etc.) and 12 EJ indexes, which combine environmental and demographic information. FLHealthCHARTS: The Florida Department of Health runs this site that provides health (disease and death rates, health behaviors, life expectancy), demographic and socioeconomic data for Florida counties. Many indicators are available at the zip code or census tract level. You can view profile reports for your county on a variety of topics (injuries, weight, aging, etc.) and download indicators in table, chart, or map format. See the training page for more information about how to use CHARTS. Florida Environmental Public Health Tracking: This site, run by the Florida Department of Health, provides data for environmental hazards/exposures and their associated health outcomes. Categories include the built environment, air quality, drinking water, weather, etc. All data sets are available at county level; some are available at zip code or census tract level. Florida’s Roadmap to Living Healthy: Interactive, online map developed to identify areas where healthy food access improvements are needed and could make measurable impacts. The map includes data on: Areas with low food access; Floridians eligible for SNAP benefits (i.e. food stamps); Death rates from diet-related illnesses; Social indicators including poverty, unemployment, homelessness and uninsured rates for families and children; and Locations of emergency food assistance. Users can overlay multiple data layers to better understand resource availability and provide tailored support. Florida Youth Survey: The Florida Youth Survey is a statewide survey that includes four survey instruments: the Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS), the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), the Middle School Health Behavior Survey (MSHBS) and the Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey (FYSAS), conducted by the Florida Departments of Health, Education and Children and Families. Housing and Transportation (H+T®) Affordability Index: The Center for Neighborhood Technology’s H+T® Index provides a different way to think about the true affordability of a place by examining both housing and transportation costs, rather than just housing costs alone. Transportation is the second-largest expenditure for most households, thus to determine the true affordability of a neighborhood, we must look at both housing and transportation. Opportunity Atlas: Which neighborhoods in America offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty? The Opportunity Atlas allows users to explore data on children’s outcomes into adulthood for every census tract in the United States. ParkScore and ParkServe: These tools from the Trust for Public Land provide an evaluation of park access and quality. The ParkScore index analyzes and ranks the park systems of the largest US cities. The ParkServe platform measures and analyzes current access to parks in 14,000 U.S. communities to determine gaps and identify areas most in need of a new park. In Jacksonville, 35% of residents live within a 10-minute walk (or about a half-mile) of a park. Social Determinants of Health Database: A range of Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) variables across 5 key domains: social context (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, veteran status), economic context (e.g., income, unemployment rate), education, physical infrastructure (e.g., housing, crime, transportation), and healthcare (e.g., health insurance). This database from the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides annual data files at the county, ZIP code and census tract level. U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project (USALEEP): Provides life expectancy estimates by state and census tract in map and table formats. USDA Food Access Research Atlas: This tool maps census tract-level food access by looking at proximity to food retailers, income and vehicle ownership. Data Reports The following resources provide community profiles and analysis of health conditions in northeast Florida communities. County Health Rankings: Many factors — housing, jobs, transportation, access to healthcare — influence how long and how well we will. The County Health Rankings model explores a variety of factors to identify opportunities to improve health equity. See County Health Rankings for northeast Florida counties: Baker County, Florida Clay County, Florida Duval County, Florida Nassau County, Florida St. Johns County, Florida Duval County Community Health Improvement Plan : The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a long-term, strategic plan that defines how local public health partners will work together to improve community health. Duval County’s 2023-2028 CHIP identifies five strategic health priority areas (1) Maternal & Child Health; (2) Mental Well-being & Substance Misuse Prevention; (3) Injury, Safety, & Violence; (4) Transmissible Diseases; and (5) Chronic Diseases & Conditions. Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida: The Council provides a variety of community health assessment reports and County Health Profiles for the northeast Florida region. Jacksonville Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNAs): The Affordable Care Act requires nonprofit hospitals to conduct CHNAs every three years. The CHNA process identifies community health needs and guides the development of strategies to address these health needs. Jacksonville’s five nonprofit hospital systems – Ascension St. Vincent’s, Baptist Health, Brooks Rehabilitation, Mayo Clinic in Florida and UF Health Jacksonville – collaborated to assess and identify community health needs in 2019 and 2022. Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership CHNA Report 2022: The top three significant health needs/themes identified in 2022 are Mental Health, Access (clinics, food, cost, dental, etc.), and Poverty. Jacksonville Nonprofit Hospital Partnership CHNA Report 2019: Significant health needs identified in 2019 included: (1) Access (to health care, transportation, safe housing, and nutrition), (2) Behavioral Health, (3) Poverty, (4) Obesity and Physical Activity, (5) Maternal, Fetal and Infant Health, (6) Cancer and (7) Vulnerable Populations. Community Health and Engagement Resources