
CARD - Special Event

Topic: PEPSA Regional Training - How Did We Get Here?


Wednesday, June 15, 2022
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
UNF - Adam Herbert University Center #43
12000 Alumni Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224

Target Audience:


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the presentation, participants will be able to:

1. List at least 5 proactive measures that tend to decrease the need for physical restraint or seclusion.
2. List at least 5 learner repertoires that support teacher-student relationships.
3. Describe how to teach at least 3 foundational learner repertoires.
4. Distinguish between a support and repertoire-based instruction.
5. List at least 4 “do’s” and “don’ts” related to the immediate management of potentially unsafe behavior.

Additional Information

Target Audience: (Educators, Caregivers, and others who teach students with ASD)
Though sometimes necessary during episodes of sustained aggression or self-injurious behavior, it is in everyone’s interest to minimize the use of physical restraint and seclusion. Following the use of these reactive measures, teams traditionally conduct a type of autopsy, describing the conditions immediately before, during, and after and assessing whether changes can be made the next time challenging behavior ensues. These reviews are appropriate, but insufficient. In this workshop, we will discuss variables relevant to de-escalation. But, our primary focus will be on broader interventions, with particular focus on establishing foundational learner repertoires that decrease the likelihood of unsafe behaviors.

For additional information, contact Autumn Mauch (904) 633-0801 autumn.mauch@jax.ufl.edu.