
Office of Educational Affairs - Faculty Development Series

Topic: CLER'ing up the Mystery: How to Teach a Culture of Safety


Thursday, February 6, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
ZOOM Meeting


Carol Ann Diachun, M.D., M.S.Ed.
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education

Susan Hendrickson
Department of Quality and Patient Safety

Abby Higgenbotham
Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management

Target Audience:


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the presentation, participants will be able to:

1. Explain the importance of the Clinical Learning Environment, particularly the areas of Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality, to the learning process in medical education.
2. Discuss how just culture is fundamental for a patient safety culture
3. Identify three characteristics of a Just Culture
1. Leaders investigate all events similarly regardless of outcome
2. Leaders hold people accountable for those things that they have control over
3. Colleagues share areas of weakness just as they share areas of excellence
4. Describe the three duties in the Just Culture model
1. Duty to follow a procedural rule: reliability-focused
2. Duty to avoid causing unjustifiable risk or harm: value-focused
3. Duty to produce an outcome: mission-focused
5. List the 5 behaviors that exist in the workplace and identify an appropriate action
1. Human error – console, system design change
2. At risk behavior – coach, forcing functions, remove incentives for at risk behavior
3. Reckless behavior – corrective/disciplinary action
4. Knowledge to cause harm – corrective/disciplinary sanction
5. Purpose to cause harm – corrective/disciplinary sanction


The University of Florida College of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


The University of Florida College of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the Activity.

Additional Information

CME Advisory Committee Disclosure
Conflict of interest information for the CME Advisory Committee members can be found on the following website: https://cme.ufl.edu/disclosure/. All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.

Faculty Pharmacists: https://med.jax.ufl.edu/creators/faculty-development/continuing-pharmacy-education/

Section #2672


Carol Ann Diachun, M.D., M.S.Ed. has disclosed that he/she has no relevant financial disclosures. Susan Hendrickson has disclosed that he/she has no relevant financial disclosures. Abby Higgenbotham has disclosed that he/she has no relevant financial disclosures. No one else in a position to control content has any financial relationships to disclose.

For additional information, contact Charity Snodgrass (904) 244-8263 charity.snodgrass@jax.ufl.edu.