
CARD - Special Event

Topic: PEPSA Regional Training - Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Managing Challenging Behavior in the Classroom


Wednesday, April 17, 2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Adam W. Herbert Univ. Center
12000 Alumni Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32224


Jessica Minahan, Ph.D.

Target Audience:


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the presentation, participants will be able to:

Participants will be able to:
*Describe the relationship between anxiety and working memory,
*Describe why traditional breaks might not be effective for students with anxiety or trauma histories,
*Identify why common interventions may not always work for students with anxiety-related behavior,
*Enumerate strategies for reducing negative thinking toward writing,
*Enumerate strategies to promote initiation skills in students with work avoidance.

Additional Information

Target Audience: Parents, Teachers, Related Service Providers, School Counselors, District ESE Specialists. Co-hosted by CARD-JAX and FDLRS-MDC. With up to one in four children struggling with anxiety in this country, overwhelmed adults need a new approach as well as an effective and easy-to-implement toolkit of strategies that work. Through the use of case studies, humorous stories, and examples of common challenging situations, participants will learn easy to implement preventive tools, strategies, and interventions for reducing anxiety and increasing self-regulation, accurate thinking, and self-monitoring in students.

For additional information, contact Amy Lane (904) 633-4338 amy.lane@jax.ufl.edu.