Lourdes P. Dale Ph.D. Associate Professor Department: Department of Psychiatry Business Phone: (904) 244-1038 Business Email: lourdes.dale@jax.ufl.edu Appointments and Locations Clinical Profile Specialties Psychology Show More Publications 2024Predictors of professional burnout and fulfilment in a longitudinal analysis on nurses and healthcare workers in the COVID-19 pandemic.Journal of clinical nursing.33(1):288-303[DOI] 10.1111/jocn.16463.[PMID] 35949164.13 citations·PubMed·Publisher's Site2023Effects of COVID-19 stress, proximity, and adverse childhood experiences on healthcare workers' mental health.Frontiers in psychology.14():1228515-[DOI] 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1228515.[PMID] 37727750.0 citations·PubMed·Publisher's Site2023Protective and risk factors associated with substance use coping among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.Frontiers in psychology.14():1228517-[DOI] 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1228517.[PMID] 38173849.PubMed·Publisher's Site2023Resilient, but for how long? 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T-11Jacksonville, FL 32209(904) 244-9889 x49889 lourdes.dale@jax.ufl.edu Administrative Manager Rosetta Payne(904) 244-1038rosetta.payne@jax.ufl.edu Show More Clinical Research Potential Benefits of the Somatic Psychoeducational Intervention for Improving the Health and Wellness of Healthcare Providers Education Ph.D., Clinical Psychology1995 · The American University, Washington, DC, USA Show More