Carolyn M. Tucker, Ph.D.

Carolyn M. Tucker Ph.D.

Courtesy Professor

Department: Department of Psychiatry
Business Phone: (352) 273-2158
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An in-person and technology-implemented holistic health promotion program for older Black adults in low-income communities.
Journal of the National Medical Association.116(1):83-92[DOI] 10.1016/j.jnma.2023.12.008.[PMID] 38172041.
Motivators of and barriers to in-person health care and video telehealth utilization among older Black adults: a qualitative study.
Ethnicity & health.():1-23[DOI] 10.1080/13557858.2024.2412848.[PMID] 39382515.
Sleep as a Predictor of Health-Related Quality of Life among Economically Disadvantaged Black Older Adults.
Ethnicity & disease.34(4):214-220[DOI] 10.18865/EthnDis-2022-2027.[PMID] 39463810.
Promoting weight-loss maintenance among Black women primary care patients: A cluster RCT of a culturally sensitive versus standard behavioural approach.
Clinical obesity.12(6):e12553-[DOI] 10.1111/cob.12553.[PMID] 36151609.
The Associations between Depression, Acculturation, and Cardiovascular Health among African Immigrants in the United States.
International journal of environmental research and public health.19(11):-[DOI] 10.3390/ijerph19116658.[PMID] 35682247.
Impact of Stress and Loneliness on Health-Related Quality of Life Among Low Income Senior African Americans.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.8(4):1089-1097[DOI] 10.1007/s40615-020-00865-w.[PMID] 32940896.
Student-led research team-building program may help junior faculty increase productivity in competitive biomedical research environment.
BMC medical education.21(1):3-[DOI] 10.1186/s12909-020-02396-8.[PMID] 33397349.
Views of Black women patients with obesity on desired and undesired weight-focused clinical encounters.
Clinical obesity.11(5):e12468-[DOI] 10.1111/cob.12468.[PMID] 34101372.
A Culturally Sensitive Church-Based Health-Smart Intervention for Increasing Health Literacy and Health-Promoting Behaviors among Black Adult Churchgoers.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.30(1):80-101[DOI] 10.1353/hpu.2019.0009.[PMID] 30827971.
An Examination of Health-Promoting Behaviors Among Hispanic Adults Using an Activation and Empowerment Approach.
Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action.13(1):9-17[DOI] 10.1353/cpr.2019.0004.[PMID] 30956243.
Associations of Health Self-efficacy With Engagement in Health-Promoting Behaviors and Treatment Adherence in Rural Patients.
Family & community health.42(2):109-116[DOI] 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000219.[PMID] 30768475.
Clinical Staff's Motivators and Barriers to Engagement in Health-Promoting Behaviors.
Journal for nurses in professional development.35(2):85-92[DOI] 10.1097/NND.0000000000000541.[PMID] 30762842.
Counseling Psychologists and Behavioral Health: Promoting Mental and Physical Health Outcomes
The Counseling Psychologist.47(7):970-998[DOI] 10.1177/0011000019896784.[PMID] .
Correction to: Sexual Minority Stress, Coping, and Physical Health Indicators.
Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings.25(1):104-[DOI] 10.1007/s10880-017-9523-x.[PMID] 29270917.
Current Demographics and Roles of Florida Community Health Workers: Implications for Future Recruitment and Training.
Journal of community health.43(3):552-559[DOI] 10.1007/s10900-017-0451-3.[PMID] 29196902.
Health Self-Empowerment Theory: Predicting Health Behaviors and BMI in Culturally Diverse Adults.
Family & community health.41(3):168-177[DOI] 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000195.[PMID] 29781918.
Motivators of and Barriers to Health-Promoting Behaviors Among Culturally Diverse Middle and High School Students
American Journal of Health Education.49(2):105-112[DOI] 10.1080/19325037.2017.1414644.[PMID] .
Predictors of Cancer Screening Among Culturally Diverse Men.
American journal of men's health.12(4):837-843[DOI] 10.1177/1557988316644398.[PMID] 27118456.
A CBPR Study to Test the Impact of a Church-Based Health Empowerment Program on Health Behaviors and Health Outcomes of Black Adult Churchgoers.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.4(1):70-78[DOI] 10.1007/s40615-015-0203-y.[PMID] 26830631.
A Socially Just Leadership Approach to Community-Partnered Research for Reducing Health Disparities
Counseling Psychologist.45(6, SI):781-809[DOI] 10.1177/0011000017722213.[PMID] .
Frequency of visits to a health care provider, health promoting behaviors, and perceived health status among African American women.
Women & health.57(5):583-598[DOI] 10.1080/03630242.2016.1178683.[PMID] 27093393.
Impact of a University-Community Partnership Approach to Improving Health Behaviors and Outcomes Among Overweight/Obese Hispanic Adults.
American journal of lifestyle medicine.11(6):479-488[DOI] 10.1177/1559827615623773.[PMID] 30202374.
Sexual Minority Stress, Coping, and Physical Health Indicators.
Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings.24(3-4):223-233[DOI] 10.1007/s10880-017-9504-0.[PMID] 28861690.
Validation of an Inventory for Providers to Self-Assess Their Engagement in Patient-Centered Culturally Sensitive Health Care.
Journal of patient experience.4(3):129-137[DOI] 10.1177/2374373517706622.[PMID] 28959718.
A Community-Level Assessment of Barriers to Preventive Health Behaviors Among Culturally Diverse Men.
American journal of men's health.10(6):495-504[DOI] .[PMID] 25787987.
Associations Among Perceived Provider Cultural Sensitivity, Trust in Provider, and Treatment Adherence Among Predominantly Low-Income Asian American Patients
Asian American Journal of Psychology.7(4):295-304[DOI] 10.1037/aap0000058.[PMID] .
Development of an Inventory for Health-Care Office Staff to Self-Assess Their Patient-Centered Cultural Sensitivity.
Health services research and managerial epidemiology.3():-[DOI] 10.1177/2333392816629600.[PMID] 28367480.
Lifestyle modification intervention for overweight and obese Hispanic pregnant women: development, implementation, lessons learned and future applications.
Contemporary clinical trials communications.3():111-116[DOI] .[PMID] 27822567.
Motivators of and Barriers to Eating Foods and Snacks Among Adolescents.
American journal of lifestyle medicine.10(3):207-215[DOI] 10.1177/1559827615575505.[PMID] 30202276.
Motivators of and Barriers to Engagement in Healthy Eating Behaviors among non-Hispanic Black Adults.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.3(3):473-83[DOI] 10.1007/s40615-015-0164-1.[PMID] 27294739.
Testing of a Model with Latino Patients That Explains the Links Among Patient-Perceived Provider Cultural Sensitivity, Language Preference, and Patient Treatment Adherence.
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities.3(1):63-73[DOI] 10.1007/s40615-015-0114-y.[PMID] 26896106.
Validation of a patient-centered culturally sensitive health care office staff inventory.
Primary health care research & development.16(5):506-12[DOI] 10.1017/S1463423614000413.[PMID] 25482147.
Association of health self-empowerment with health-promoting behaviors among chronically ill African American and non- Hispanic White adolescents.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.25(4):2019-31[DOI] 10.1353/hpu.2014.0168.[PMID] 25418256.
Impact of a Culturally Sensitive Health Self-Empowerment Workshop Series on Health Behaviors/Lifestyles, BMI, and Blood Pressure of Culturally Diverse Overweight/Obese Adults.
American journal of lifestyle medicine.8(2):122-132[DOI] .[PMID] 24910589.
Roles of perceived provider cultural sensitivity and health care justice in African American/Black patients' satisfaction with provider.
Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings.21(3):282-90[DOI] 10.1007/s10880-014-9397-0.[PMID] 24913783.
The effects of a culturally sensitive, empowerment-focused, community-based health promotion program on health outcomes of adults with type 2 diabetes.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.25(1):292-307[DOI] 10.1353/hpu.2014.0044.[PMID] 24509027.
Validation of a patient-centered, culturally sensitive, clinic environment inventory using a national sample of adult patients.
Journal of transcultural nursing : official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society.25(1):80-6[DOI] 10.1177/1043659613504111.[PMID] 24129544.
Patients' perceived cultural sensitivity of health care office staff and its association with patients' health care satisfaction and treatment adherence.
Journal of health care for the poor and underserved.24(4):1586-98[DOI] 10.1353/hpu.2013.0170.[PMID] 24185154.
Validation of a patient-centered culturally sensitive health care provider inventory using a national sample of adult patients.
Patient education and counseling.91(3):344-9[DOI] 10.1016/j.pec.2013.01.003.[PMID] 23453852.
Family interaction patterns and their association with family support among women with breast cancer.
Cancer nursing.35(3):E11-21[DOI] 10.1097/NCC.0b013e31822d4851.[PMID] 22538262.
Medical students' self-evaluations of their patient-centered cultural sensitivity: implications for cultural sensitivity/competence training.
Journal of the National Medical Association.104(1-2):38-45[DOI] .[PMID] 22708246.
The youth form of the Motivators of and Barriers to Health-Smart Behaviors Inventory.
Psychological assessment.24(2):490-502[DOI] 10.1037/a0026262.[PMID] 22103550.
Development of the Motivators of and Barriers to Health-Smart Behaviors Inventory.
Psychological assessment.23(2):487-503[DOI] 10.1037/a0022299.[PMID] 21443361.
Low-income children's reported motivators of and barriers to healthy eating behaviors: a focus group study.
Journal of the National Medical Association.103(9-10):941-51[DOI] .[PMID] 22364064.
Patient-centered culturally sensitive health care: model testing and refinement.
Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.30(3):342-50[DOI] 10.1037/a0022967.[PMID] 21553978.
Validation of a provider self-report inventory for measuring patient-centered cultural sensitivity in health care using a sample of medical students.
Journal of community health.35(2):198-207[DOI] 10.1007/s10900-009-9212-2.[PMID] 20108113.
Motivators of and Barriers to Engaging in Physical Activity: Perspectives of Low-Income Culturally Diverse Adolescents and Adults.
American journal of health education.40(3):146-154[DOI] 10.1080/19325037.2009.10599089.[PMID] 29527247.
Predictors of a Health-Promoting Lifestyle and Behaviors Among Low-Income African American Mothers and White Mothers of Chronically Ill Children
Journal of the National Medical Association.101():103-110[DOI] .[PMID] .
Predictors of a health-promoting lifestyle and behaviors among low-income African American mothers and white mothers of chronically ill children.
Journal of the National Medical Association.101(2):103-10[DOI] .[PMID] 19378625.
Social and cognitive factors associated with preventative health care behaviors of culturally diverse adolescents.
Journal of the National Medical Association.101(3):236-42[DOI] .[PMID] 19331255.
Stress and nutrition among African American women with hypertension.
American journal of health behavior.33(6):661-72[DOI] .[PMID] 19320615.
Perfectionism and depression among low-income chronically ill African American and White adolescents and their maternal parent.
Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings.15(3):171-81[DOI] 10.1007/s10880-008-9119-6.[PMID] 19104962.
Assessments for measuring patient-centered cultural sensitivity in community-based primary care clinics.
Journal of the National Medical Association.99(6):609-19[DOI] .[PMID] 17595929.
Do family environments and negative cognitions of adolescents with depressive symptoms vary by ethnic group?
Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43).21(2):325-30[DOI] .[PMID] 17605556.
Health value, perceived social support, and health self-efficacy as factors in a health-promoting lifestyle.
Journal of American college health : J of ACH.56(1):69-74[DOI] .[PMID] 17711829.
Cultural sensitivity in physician-patient relationships: perspectives of an ethnically diverse sample of low-income primary care patients.
Medical care.41(7):859-70[DOI] .[PMID] 12835610.
Associations with medication adherence among ethnically different pediatric patients with renal transplants.
Pediatric nephrology (Berlin, Germany).17(4):251-6[DOI] .[PMID] 11956876.
Expanding pediatric psychology beyond hospital walls to meet the health care needs of ethnic minority children.
Journal of pediatric psychology.27(4):315-23[DOI] .[PMID] 11986355.
Using culturally sensitive theories and research to meet the academic needs of low-income African American children.
The American psychologist.57(10):762-773[DOI] 10.1037/0003-066X.57.10.762.[PMID] 12369499.
Demographic and medical predictors of medication compliance among ethnically different pediatric renal transplant patients.
Pediatric transplantation.5(5):343-8[DOI] .[PMID] 11560753.
Self-regulation predictors of medication adherence among ethnically different pediatric patients with renal transplants.
Journal of pediatric psychology.26(8):455-64[DOI] .[PMID] 11700330.

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(352) 273-2158